The Christian Faith is a Call to Adventure

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Canon Press

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Feeling lost? These books will remind you of your fathers in the faith.

32 Christians Who Changed Their World

The Christian faith is a call to adventure. Be inspired by these thirty-two saints and give thanks for their faithful stories. Now go and do likewise where God has put you.

For two thousand years, average Christians have been transforming culture, and this collection of stories by Dr. Glenn Sunshine tells some of those stories. Men like Robert Grosseteste and Roger Bacon laid the foundations for science. Political figures like Abba Enbaqom and Sorghaghtani Beki (daughter-in-law of Genghis Khan) promoted Christianity in societies hostile to it. Christians like Roque González and Solomon Plaatje opposed racial oppression, and heroes like Andre Trocme and Ho Fengshan helped Jews escape the Holocaust.

These men and women all have stories that show how broad and transformative the Christian faith really has been on the world. Learn these stories and be like them.

Heralds of the Reformation

Why do we have Bibles in our own language everywhere? Why is the Gospel preached from the depths of Africa to the remotest parts of the Himalayas? It is because heroes of the faith gave their lives to bring the Word of God to the world.

The Reformation was an era with many examples of remarkable faithfulness, courage, and learning. However, few Christians today are familiar with their spiritual ancestors, the men who are responsible not only for much of our current understanding of the Bible and the Christian gospel, but also for the massive explosion of the Gospel all over the world today. If we want to continue to bear witness to the truth as faithfully as our fathers in the faith, we need to know their stories. Hannula's book includes thirty short, but profound stories of Reformation-era courage. They can easily be read aloud to children or used by homeschoolers as part of their curriculum. Additionally, this book includes an overview of key events in the Reformation, a detailed Timeline from 1516 to 1598, seven short summaries of Reformation Basics, and comprehension questions and answers on all thirty biographies.


Your family will be fascinated and fed by these fifty true stories of great Christian women throughout history.

From South America to Europe, from China to Africa to the Wild West, in prisons and in throne rooms, many great Christians have left a stunning legacy for their successors. These short and moving biographies for young people introduce fifty often unfamiliar champions of the faith: women like Ida Kahn, who opened the first hospital in a Chinese city of 300,000 people; Lady Anne Hamilton, who rode with the Covenanter cavalry at the decisive Battle of Berwick; and Anngrace Taban, who was forced to type secret battle plans for the Sudan People's Liberation Army. In a culture where women's role in society is often at question, these examples of faithfulness can remind us that courage and godliness are possible anywhere, even if you are surrounded by Muslim raiders, Japanese guards, Nazis, or cannibals.


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Based on 4279 reviews

Well written, nuanced, honest and theologically based. Excellent take on a rising trend in this current political climate.

Be a better reader by reading Naselli

Such an enjoyable read, an informative read, and a read that will (Lord willing) enable me to better glorify God in my reading.

How to Read a Book: Advice for Christian Readers

How to Read a Book: Advice for Christian Readers

It's Good to Be a Man Group Discussion Study Guide

A Companion to The Case for Christian Nationalism

The Bruised Reed

Great Stories; Font Struggles

We like the readers on the whole, but the italics have small flourishes that made some of the line characters looked like hooks.

Men and Marriage
Stephen D.
A timeless read

George Gilder is an intellectual giant able to take deep cultural and philosophical concepts and trace them all the way down to practical human experience. His thesis on men, women, and the essential nature of marriage as the building block of society, as well as proving all the ways that society goes wrong without monogamous, covanental marriage. Some of the statistics quoted are dated, which goes to show just how ahead of the time Gilder really was. If you didn’t know it, you could think that Gilder wrote the book today. Perhaps it’s not to late to learn from him and course correct our culture back towards men and marriage.

100 Cupboards Series Bundle

The Princess and the Goblin

Reforming Marriage: Gospel Living for Couples

Freedom from bitterness

This book takes a scalpel to the roots of bitterness that tangle themselves within a heart. I reread it about every 6 months. I have also ordered many to give away and keep it stocked in our church's resource area. I really cannot recommend this book enough.

Love this Psalter/hymnal

I really wanted to learn how to sing the psalms. I go to a Baptist Church. We sing some of these hymns but we never sing psalms so I wanted to learn how to do it with the help of this book and the videos online it's very helpful for learning.

Great Story and great animation

This is a fun book to read with the kids. The animation is top notch. It's a lot of fun to read over and over again.

Such an important message we Christian women need to hear. How DO we define ourselves? Rebecca uncovers the ways many of us have absorbed the world's definition of what we (women) should be, and how we can confidently stand firm in Christ's calling for women.

I listened to this and it was wonderful to hear Nancy's voice as she read it. Solid Biblical counsel from a wise, beautiful, older woman.

Love it! Helpful to drive home the main points of the chapter.

I loved the cover and anticipated equally humorous contents inside, intermingled with the truths of Scripture, however the contents, while true and important, didn’t grab one’s attention like I’d imagined it would. It’s easy enough to read (I read 45 pages in 30 minutes with decent retention), but I’m not excited about reading the last bit. I’ll still pass it on to my adult sons for their wives’ benefits.

Fantastic - must read

This book is three years of counseling in a very concise, clear, palatable read that brings hope into what may seem like a hopeless marriage. Even if your spouse won’t read it- this can change your marriage.


This book should be read every year.

Eve in Exile: The Restoration of Femininity

No Mere Mortals: Marriage for People Who Will Live Forever

Blah Blah Black Sheep

Apocalypse-Proof Your Family Bundle